Ur abstract till en ny artikel:
The empirical results in this study replicate the earlier finding that societies with higher cognitive ability have lower levels of income inequality, but the association is entirely mediated by social transfers. Social transfers therefore appear to be the primary mechanism by which societies with higher levels of cognitive ability achieve lower income inequality
Ett intressant samband, men det är nog värt att läsa artikeln för att kolla datakällan för kognitiv förmåga på landsnivå
Källa: Salahodjaev, Raufhon, and Satoshi Kanazawa. 2018. “WHY DO SOCIETIES WITH HIGHER AVERAGE COGNITIVE ABILITY HAVE LOWER INCOME INEQUALITY? THE ROLE OF REDISTRIBUTIVE POLICIES." Journal of Biosocial Science 50(03): 347–64. https://www.cambridge.org/core/product/identifier/S0021932017000268/type/journal_article (September 10, 2018).