CV - svenska
Andreas Bergh, docent i nationalekonomi
Lunds universitet och IFN
Scopus author id: 7101766825
Google scholar (Jan 2022)
Vetenskapliga artiklar i tidskrift med peer-review
50. Bergh, A. & Erlingsson, G. 2023. Municipally owned corporations in Sweden: A cautionary tale. Public Money & Management (forthcoming)
49. Bergh, A., & Kärnä, A. 2022, Explaining the rise of populism in European democracies 1980-2018: The role of labor market institutions and inequality" Social Science Quarterly, 103(7): 1719-1731. Länk.
48. Bergh, A & Wichardt, P. 2022. Mine or Ours? Unintended Framing Effects in Dictator Games" Rationality and Society 34(1):78-95. Länk.
47. Bergh, A., & Bjørnskov, C. Does economic freedom boost growth for everyone? Kyklos 74: 170-186. Länk.
46. Bergh, A., & Bjørnskov, C. 2021. Trust Us to Repay: Social Trust, Long-Term Interest Rates, and Sovereign Credit Ratings. Journal of Money, Credit and Banking 53(5). Länk.
45. Bergh, A., Erlingsson, G. & Wittberg, E. 2021. What happens when municipalities run corporations? Empirical evidence from 290 Swedish municipalities. Local Government Studies 48(4): 704-727.
44. Bergh, A., Funcke, A. and J. Wernberg. 2021. The Sharing Economy: Definition, Measurement and its relationship to Capitalism. International Review of Entrepreneurship. 19(1): 69-92. Länk.
43. Bergh, A. 2021. The compensation hypothesis revisited and reversed, Scandinavian Political Studies 44(2): 140-147. (Open access)
42. Bergh, A., & Kärnä, A. 2020. Globalization and populism in Europe Public Choice. Open access.
41. Bergh, A., & Bjørnskov, C. 2020. Does big government hurt growth less in high-trust countries? Contemporary Economic Policy 38(4): 643-658. Länk (open access)
40. Berggren, N., Bergh, A. Bjørnskov, C. and S Tanaka. 2020. Migrants and Life Satisfaction: The Role of the Country of Origin and the Country of Residence. Kyklos 73(3): 436–463. Open access
39. Bergh, A., T. Nilsson and I. Mirkina, 2020. Can social spending cushion the inequality effect of globalization? Economics & Politics 32(1):104-142. Can social spending cushion the inequality effect of globalization.pdf.
38. Bergh, A. and Funcke, A. 2019. Social trust and sharing economy size: Country level evidence frome home sharing services. Applied Economics Letters 27(19): 1592-1595. Trust_and_the_sharing_economy_AEL-pre-print.pdf.
37. Bergh, A., 2019. Hayekian welfare states: Explaining the co-existence of economic freedom and big government, Journal of Institutional Economics 16(1): 1-12. Bergh19_HWS_preprint.pdf.
36. Bergh, A., Erlingsson, G., Gustafsson, A. & Wittberg, E. 2018. Municipally owned enterprises as danger zones for corruption? How politician’s having feet in two camp may undermine conditions for accountability. Public Integrity 21(3), 320-352. BerghEtA_2018_PublicIntegrity.pdf.
35. Bergh, A. & Öhrvall, R. 2018. A sticky trait: Social trust among Swedish expatriates in countries with varying institutional quality. Journal of Comparative Economics 46(4), 1146-1157. BerghÖhrvall18_JCE_preprint.pdf.
34. Bergh, A. and P. C. Wichardt. 2018. Accounting for Context: Separating Monetary and (Uncertain) Social Incentives. Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics 72: 61–66.
33. Bergh, A., Fink, G., & Öhrvall, R. 2017. More politicians, more corruption: evidence from Swedish municipalities. Public Choice, 172(3–4), 483–500. Government Size and Corrupton - preprint.pdf.
32. Bergh, A., Explaining Cross-Country Differences in Labor Market Gaps between Immigrants and Natives in the OECD. Migration Letters, 14(2), 243–254. ML - pre-print.pdf.
31. Bergh, A., Dackehag, M. and Rode, M. 2016. Are OECD policy recommendations for public sector reform biased against welfare states? Evidence from a new database. European Journal of Political Economy 48, 3–15. OECD recommends EJPE pre-print.pdf.
30. Bergh, A. 2016. The future of welfare services: How worried should we be about Baumol, Wagner and Ageing? Nordic Economic Policy Review
29. Bergh, A., T. Nilsson and I. Mirkina. Do the poor benefit from globalization regardless of institutional quality?, Applied Economics Letters 23(10), 708-712. BerghMirkinaNilsson14_AEL_preprint.pdf.
28. Bergh, A. and M. Henrekson. 2015. Government Size and Growth: A Rejoinder Journal of Economic Surveys.
27. Bergh, A. 2015. Yes, There Are Hayekian Welfare States (At Least in Theory) Econ Journal Watch 12(1) :22-27
26. Berggren, N., Bergh, A. and Bjørnskov, C. (2014). What Matters for Growth in Europe? Institutions versus Policies, Quality versus Instability. Journal of Economic Policy Reform 18(1), 69–88. BerggrenBerghBjørnskov12_preprint.pdf.
25. Bergh, A., and C. Bjørnskov. 2014. Trust, Welfare States and Income Equality: Sorting out the causality. European Journal of Political Economy. 35:183-199. BerghNilsson14_WD_preprint.pdf
24. Bergh, A., and T, Nilsson. 2014. Is Globalization Reducing Absolute Poverty?, World Development 62: 42-61 BerghNilsson14_WD_preprint.pdf
23. Bergh, A., and T. Nilsson. 2014. When more poor means less poverty: On income inequality and purchasing power, Southern Economic Journal. BerghNilsson14_SEJ_final_author_copy.pdf
22. Bergh, A., T. Nilsson and I. Mirkina. 2014. Globalization and institutional quality: A panel data analysis. Oxford Development Studies. BerghNilsson14_WD_preprint.pdf
21. Bergh, A. 2014. What are the policy lessons from Sweden? On the rise, fall and revival of a capitalist welfare state. New Political Economy. Bergh14_NPE_preprint.pdf
20. Bergh, A. and Lyttkens, C H. 2014. Measuring institutional quality in ancient Athens, Journal of Institutional Economics. 10(2): 279-310. Working paper. BerghLyttkens14_JIE_preprint.pdf.
19. Berggren, N., Bergh, A., and C. Bjørnskov. 2012. The growth effects of institutional instability. Journal of Institutional Economics, 8(2):187-224. BerggrenBerghBjørnskov12_preprint.pdf
18. Bergh, A., and M. Henrekson. 2011. Government size and growth: A survey and interpretation of the evidence. Journal of Economic Surveys 25(5):872-897. (working paper of latest author version)
17. Bergh, A., and C. Bjørnskov. 2011. Historical trust levels predict current welfare state size. Kyklos 64(1):1-19. (Lead article). BerghNilsson10WD_pre-print.pdf
16. Bergh, A., and T. Nilsson. 2010. Do liberalization and globalization increase income inequality? European Journal of Political Economy 48:488-505. (Impact factor: 1.13) BerghNilsson10_EJPE_pre-print.pdf
15. Bergh, A., and T. Nilsson. 2010. "Good for living? On the relation between globalization and life expectancy." World Development 38(9):1191-1203. (Lead article. Impact factor: 1.5). BerghNilsson10WD_pre-print.pdf
14. Bergh, A., and M. Karlson. (2010). Government size and growth: accounting for economic freedom and globalization. Public Choice 142(1):195-213. (Impact factor: 0,88) BerghKarlsson10.pdf
13. Bergh, A. and G. Fink. 2009. "Higher education, elite institutions and inequality." European Economic Review, 53:376-384. BerghFink09_preprint.pdf
12. Bergh, A. and G. Erlingsson. 2009. "Liberalization without Retrenchment: Understanding the Consensus on Swedish Welfare State Reforms." Scandinavian Political Studies, 32:71-94. (Impact factor: 0.74) BerghErlingsson09_preprint.pdf
11. Erlingsson, G. O., A. Bergh, and M. Sjölin. 2008. "Public Corruption in Swedish Municipalities - Trouble Looming on the Horizon?" Local Government Studies, 34:595 - 608. (Impact factor: 0.43)
10. Bergh, A. 2008. "A critical note on the theory of inequity aversion." Journal of Socio - Economics 37:1789-1789. (Impact factor: 0.48)
9. Bergh, A. and G. Fink. 2008. "Higher Education Policy, Enrollment, and Income Inequality." Social Science Quarterly 89:217-235. (Cites per doc: 0.7)
8. Bergh, A. 2008. "Explaining the Survival of the Swedish Welfare State: Maintaining Political Support through Incremental Change." Financial Theory and Practice 32:233-254.
7. Bergh, A. 2007. "The Middle Class and the Swedish Welfare State: How Not to Measure Redistribution". The Independent Review 11(4): 533-546.
6. Bergh, A. 2006. "Work Incentives and Employment are the Wrong Explanation of Sweden’s Success." Econ Journal Watch 3(3), p. 452-460.
5. Bergh, A. 2006. "Is the Swedish Welfare State a Free Lunch? A comment on Peter H. Lindert's book Growing Public". Econ Journal Watch 3(2), p. 210-235.
4. Bergh, A. 2005. "On Inter and Intra-individual Redistribution of the Welfare State." Social Science Quarterly 86(5): 984-995. (Impact factor: 0.987)
3. Bergh, A. 2005. "On the Counterfactual Problem of Welfare State Research: How Can We Measure Redistribution?" European Sociological Review, 21(4): 345-357.
2. Bergh, A. 2004. "The Universal Welfare State: Theory and the Case of Sweden." Political Studies, 52(4): 745-766.
1. Bergh, A. 2004. "On the Redistributive Effect of Upper Benefit Limits in Bismarckian Social Insurance." Finnish Economic Papers 17(2): 73-78.
Böcker och kapitel i böcker (urval)
Bergh, A. and Kärnä, A. 2024. Economic freedom and populism. In: Handbook of Research on Economic Freedom (ed. N. Berggren). Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing. Forthcoming.
Bergh, A. 2022. An All Too Successful Reform? The 1997 Overhaul of the Swedish Budget Process. Chapter 11 i de La Porte, C. m fl. (red.) "Successful Public Policy: Lessons From the Nordic Countries." Kommande, Oxford University Press. Link.
Bergh, A., C. Bjornskov och K. Vallier. 2021. "Social and Legal Trust: The Case of Africa" i "Social Trust" (red: Kevin Vallier och Michael Weber), New York: Routledge. Länk till bok.
Bergh, A. 2021. "Poverty and New Welfare Economics." Kap 8 i "Economists and Poverty", Lundahl, Rauhut & Hatti (red.) Routledge. Länk.
Bergh, A. 2019. Is Migration Threatening Social Trust in Europe? I "Trust in the European Union in Challenging Times", A. B. Engelbrekt, N. Bremberg, A. Michalski, L. Oxelheim (red.), Springer. Länk
Bergh, Erlingsson, Sjölin & Öhrvall 2016. A Clean House? Studies of Corruption in Sweden. Nordic Academic Press.
Bergh, Nilsson & Waldenström 2016. Sick of Inequality? Edward Elgar.
Bergh, A. 2015. "Comments on 'Collective Risk Sharing: The Social Safety Net and Employment' by Torben M. Andersen." Sid. 46-49 i "Reform Capacity and Macroeconomic Performance in the Nordic Countries", T. M. Andersen, M. Bergman och S. E. H. Jensen (red.). Oxford, UK.: Oxford University Press.
Bergh, A. 2015. Den Kapitalistiska Välfärdsstaten. Studentlitteratur. (Tredje reviderade upplagan.)
Nilsson, T. and A. Bergh. 2013. Income inequality, health and development – In search of a pattern. s. 441-468 i Research on Economic Inequality, volume 21: Health and Inequality, red. Pedro Rosa Dias and Owen O’Donnell.
Bergh, A. och Henrekson, M. 2012. Varför går det bra för Sverige? Fores + Ivrig Förlag.
Bergh, A. och Henrekson, M. 2011. Government size and growth. American Enterprise Institute.
Bergh, A. 2010. Towards a New Swedish Model? in Bengtsson (ed) "Population Agein - A Threat to the Welfare State?", Springer.
Bergh och Jakobsson. 2010. Modern Mikroekonomi Norstedts.
Andersson, S., A. Bergh, G. Ó. Erlingsson och M. Sjölin (red). (2010). Korruption, maktmissbruk och legitimitet. Stockholm: Norstedts.
Bergh, A. and R. Höijer (editors). 2008. Institutional competition. Edward Elgar.
Bergh, A. 2003. "Distributive Justice and the Welfare State." Lund Economic Studies 115, Dept. of Economics, Lund University.
Bergh, Andreas och Daniel Rubensson (2001). "Tennis och Politik – Är deltagande en dygd?" I "En uthållig demokrati?", Strömbeck (red.). Uppsala Publishing House, 2001.
Bergh, A. 2012. Beyond Welfare State Models – Transnational Historical Perspectives on Social Policy – Edited by Pauli Kettunen and Klaus Petersen. In International Journal of Social Welfare, Volume 21, Issue 3, pages 319–320, July 2012.
Bergh, A. 2011. Nordics in Global Crisis: Vulnerability and Resilience by Thorvaldur Gylfason, Bengt Holmström, Sixten Korkman, Hans Tson Söderström, and Vesa Vihriälä. Journal of Economic Literature, March 2011.
Bergh, A. 2009. "Full employment in Europe: Managing labour market transitions and risks - By Günther Schmid." Papers in Regional Science 88:883-885.
REPORTS (urval)
Bergh, A. (2009). Värnskatten och jämlikheten. Rapport utgiven av Almega. Länk.
Bergh, A. (2006). Rättvisa och Socialförsäkringar: Hur rättvis kan socialförsäkringen bli?, Försäkringskassan analyserar 2006:5
Bergh, A. (2001). Socialförsäkringar, jämställdhet och ekonomisk tillväxt. Riksförsäkringsverket redovisar, 2001:1
Bergh, A. (2001). Svenska för invandrare - En brygga till livet i Sverige? SAF, 2001
Bergh, A. (2007). Avgiftsfri skattefinansierad högre utbildning: Håller de fördelningspolitiska argumenten? I Nils Karlson (red) Den Fria Akademin, Ratio förlag.
Bergh, A. (2005). Hur bemöter vi kritiken mot nationalekonomin? Ekonomisk Debatt, nr 6-2005.
Bergh, A. (2004). Blev den svenska välfärdsstaten mer eller mindre universell under 1990-talet? Ekonomisk Debatt, 2-2004.
Bergh, A. (2002). Jämlikhet. Om rättvisa, inkomster och klyftor. Timbro Förlag.
Together with political scientists at Växjö university, I run the program ‘Trust and corruption in swedish municipalities’ financed by the Swedish Research Council (Vetenskapsrådet).
At the Ratio Institute, I am currently leading a research projects on Political and Institutional Change in mature welfare states. This project is financed by Torsten and Ragnar Söderbergs Stiftelser.
Together with Niclas Berggren I have organized the international conference "Trust, Reciprocity and Social Capital" for young social scientists held in Stockholm August 25-26, 2006.
During 2004 and 2005, I was part of the research project "Ojämlikhet, omfördelning och socialförsäkringar" financed by The National Social Insurance Board, led by Fredrik Andersson at Dept of economics, Lund University.
2004 Visiting Scholar at the Centre for Basic Research in the Social Sciences (presently the Institute for Quantative Social Science), Harvard University.
2007, 2008 Invited research visit, Harvard School of Public Health
Social Science Quarterly, European Journal of Political Economy, European Sociological Review, Public Choice, American Political Science Review, Journal of Social Policy
Microeconomics (first year course),Public Economics (second year course) and Institutional Economics (second year course) taughtwith very good student evaluations.
Repeatedly hired as guest lecturer for Uppsala Univerity, Försäkringskassan,Executive Foundation Lund (includingthe Executeve MBA-program).
Högskolepedagogik 10 credits, 2003.
Modern mikroekonomi (Norstedts, 2010)
Blir vi sjuka av inkmostskillnader (Studentlitteratur, 2012)
Continous development of material for the first year course in microeconomics: Exams, groupwork, internet-based questions, power points.
Development of an entirely new course in Institutional Economics
Regularly participates in public lectures, debates et cetera. Examples include lectures or debates at KPMG consulting, Försäkringskassan, Folkpartiet, Socialdemokratiska studentförbundet, Liberala ungdomsförbundet, Centerns ungdomsförbund, and various student organizations.
Ledamot i Rådet för kommunalekonomisk forskning och utbildning (KEFU).
Pågående forskning (urval)
Social norms, other-regarding behavior and efficiency (w. Philipp Wichardt)
Trust and institutions (w. Richard Öhrvall & Henrik Jordahl)
Trust, Government size and economic growth (w. Christian Bjørnskov)
Migration and institutional quality (w. Irina Mirkina and Therese Nilsson)
Social spending, globalization and inequality (w. Irina Mirkina and Therese Nilsson)
The sharing economy, trust and economic freedom (w. J Werberg and A Funcke)
Social media and place marketing in Swedish municipalities (w. Sara Morizc)
Municipally owned enterprises (w. G Erlingsson, A Gustafsson and E Wittberg)
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