Den "kreativa klassen" är som andra: Flyttar efter studierna och flyttar pga jobb
Här är ett intressant papper av Høgni Kalsø Hansen och Thomas Niedomysl
Ur abstract:
Three questions, central to recent theoretical claims but until now overlooked, are addressed: (i) Do members of the creative class move more often compared to other migrant groups? (ii) Are they more selective in their destination choices, favouring regions with a favourable ‘people climate’? (iii) Do their reasons for migration differ from those of other migrant groups? Employing unique Swedish survey and register data, the results show that the migration rates of the creative class are only marginally higher than for other groups. [...] most migration activities for the creative class take place just after finishing university and that the creative class people move for jobs rather than place. The presented empirical findings of the article do not support central theoretical arguments about the mobility of the creative class.
Hansen, H. K., and T. Niedomysl. 2008. "Migration of the Creative Class: Evidence from Sweden." Journal of Economic Geography 9(2): 191–206.
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