Småstadsnostalgi från 1957
Är du nostalgisk kring 1950-talet? Redan då var människor - naturligtvis - nostalgiska kring det förflutna:
"the small town lost its economic and cultural base. . . . Everywhere, even in the most prosperous areas, the small town was undercut by the big changes in American life—the auto and the superhighway, the supermarket and the market center, the mail-order house, the radio and TV, with the growth of national advertising, and the mechanization of farming ... [the small town] turned its face directly to the centers of technology. It was the city and the suburb—the cluster-city complex—that became the focus of working and living, consuming and leisure"
Ur Max Lerners "The Decline of the Small Town." från 1957 (ett kapitel i hans bok "America as a Civilization" Simon & Schuster)
Idag talar vi mer om e-handel och mindre om postorder, mer om AI och robotar, och mindre om mekanisering. Men likheterna i denna och nutida samtidsskildringar är likväl slående.
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