I en ny artikel i Social Indicators Research har olika typer av tillit i Grekland studerats under finanskrisen. Resultaten visar (än en gång) att tillit till människor i allmänhet är något väldigt annorlunda än tillit till specifika institutioner: Den mellanmänskliga tilliten i Grekland föll inte alls under krisen.
Ur abstract
The results reveal that the level of trust people show towards political and impartial institutions decreased substantially in Greece. Surprisingly, however, interpersonal social trust did not collapse; rather, it remained stable or even slightly increased concurrently with the notable decrease in political trust. This suggests that during an economic crisis, people do not deterministically lose their trust in other individuals; instead, in the Greek case they appear to lean on each other when both political and impartial institutions fail.
Ervasti, Heikki, Antti Kouvo, and Takis Venetoklis. 2019. "Social and Institutional Trust in Times of Crisis: Greece, 2002–2011." Social Indicators Research 141(3): 1207–31. http://link.springer.com/10.1007/s11205-018-1862-y (April 25, 2019).