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Ur senaste Kyklos

Att döma av abstract (ur vilket nyckelmeningar citeras nedan) finns åtminstone tre intressanta papper i senaste Kyklos:
Generalized Morality, Institutions and Economic Growth, and the Intermediating Role of Generalized Trust av Harvey S. James Jr
generalized morality is moderately correlated with economic growth, but its effect appears to be manifested through generalized trust when economic institutions are weak
I analyzed real world data of relating to the 109th–111th US Congress between 2005 and 2009, including 695 representatives and senators. I show that those who hold a degree in economics are significantly more prone to corruption than ‘non-economists’.
Believe, But Verify? The Effect of Market Structure on Corruption in Religious Organizations av Jerg Gutmann
these results suggest that the private sector may indeed be shielded from sprawling corruption as long as markets are sufficiently competitive.

Forskning om effekten av att lyckas bättre än sina föräldrar

I december-numret av Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics (tidigare Journal of Socio-Economics) har Boris Nikolaev och Ainslee Burns studerat hur sambandet mellan socio-ekonomisk rörlighet mellan generationer och subjektivt välbefinnande. De har jämfört barn med sina föräldrar i tre dimensioner: socialklass, utbildning och inkomst.

De väntade resultaten:
We find that downward mobility with respect to all three measures has a negative effect on the self-reported level of happiness and subjective health while upward mobility is associated with positive outcomes in subjective well-being.

De nästan lika väntade resultaten:
The positive and negative effect of social and educational mobility, however, is entirely through the income and health channels...

Det mest intressanta resultatet:
...while income mobility has an impact on subjective well-being even after controlling for the current level of income and health.

We further find that the effect of income mobility on subjective well-being peaks between the ages of 35–45 years and then slowly dissipates.